Final Piece

Final Piece

About the Blog

This blog is a representation of my working progress as an Artist and Writing. Everything here is an example of my work and a journey through my working. It acts as a documentation of various projects, ideas and rough experiments, starting from my time at University and beyond.


Thinking About My Practice | Poster Brief | Feedback

I just received my feedback from my poster and presentation performance and it got me thinking about my next steps from here. I took a big risk, or what felt like a big risk to me in that I had an idea and explored and presented in full without withdrawing or cutting out parts, which a knock in confidence has done in the past. What I have learnt from this experience and especially making it a performance is that it worked and I should be more confident in my work rather than worrying about it.

Making the poster was very valuable in helping me to further understand my practice, collect and contain my thoughts and ideas, as well as making a visual representation of my work that is helping me in my next steps of my practice.

The presentation has also been very valuable, my original notes ended up taking the form of a spoken word performance. Something I fear is public speaking because I stutter and mix my words, but there was something about the words for my presentation that had this rhythm and flow that just became what it did. This is something I want to explore and experiment with much further and will involve being out of my comfort zone completely, which at this point is what I need to take this all further.

Another point in my feedback which was helpful was the consideration of how the internet and social networking has and can inform my work, a possible subject to explore deeper. The below link was suggested to me as a starter for this, exploring the consideration of social media as a subject or material practice in a contemporary visual arts practice.