I have noticed recently that there is an app on Facebook that gathers all your most used words on your Facebook status's and presents them to you in the form of a list of words as seen below. You then also have the option to share these, this is presented in a colour coded graphic form that shows how often you use each word, the bigger it is seen the more you have used it.

This is the order of my most used words, I quite like the idea of using these to create a short story or poem that reflects on word usage on social networks.
Further more I have collected a screenshot of my friends on Facebook who have also used this app and shared their list of words. With each collection of words I aim to create small individual stories and/or poems which I will then present them to each person. I am looking forward to the process of these, also in doing this it will help me develop my skills in creating something new from reusing words found or collected.