My idea is to move onto the idea of way words are collected and then ways they are presented. Much like the work of Kenneth Goldsmith who collects words in his work under a certain subject, more so his documentation of recording every movement he made. This was then developed into a book, this whole idea of words belonging in books, however what he has put into a book isn't necessarily considered as poetry or any other form of literature. He prints these books, more as a collection of words, people can choose to read them or not just as they would with any other book.
My idea is to create two books that contrast and reflect on two ways of recording.
Book One - Everything I write in two weeks
The idea of this book is record everything I write in two weeks, including but not limited to lists, notes, Facebook messages, articles and so on. The idea is have a series of writing that equals to the volume and word count of a book or novel. However does this still remain a book if I am collecting unconnected pieces of writing and stringing them together without editing or making a structure of the content? Even when I put these words onto paper and into the form and shape of a book would this be enough or how much does the content really matter? It's like the idea of going shopping, is the walking you did throughout the day considered as a hike/walk even if the distance is equal to that of a walk you may set out to do? Not particularly because the aim is the shopping not the walking, but you did the distance. I see this the same as writing lists, text messages, emails, the everyday writing that has a direct purpose, but shear volume is equivalent to a book over time.
Book Two - Words I find
This book involves me not writing my own words or ideas, but that of what I find. The other day I found this note left for the owner of Bay 2 from Bay 3. It got me thinking about imaging the story behind this note and many more notes that may have been dropped and if they were even seen by the people they were meant for. The idea of this book is to contain images of each found text left in the street, leaving the interpretation up to the viewer, but also showing each piece as a photograph rather than typed up as it leaves the character and personal aspect in the notes that were left. This gives you more idea on the tone of the note or writing also.

The next step for this project is to keep collecting for both of the books, it will require time and experimenting on layouts and presentation. It may not be finished before the end of the brief, but whats the rush, this needs to be tested, more words need to be found and more thinking to be done about it.