Responding to a series of fictional films about the Vietnamese War, Fiona Banner has created a 1000 page epic using a mechanical response to the films to proved a written representation of these. Alongside her gallery practice Banner produces conceptual writing books that provide a link between the two forms of work and presentations.
My own understanding and response to this is that by creating this epic through the mechanical writing process, Banner has linked up these fictional films under the same subject to create a further fictional representation of the Vietnamese War. By connecting these together it seems Banner is connecting her subconscious thoughts between her own thinking and response to these popular culture films that are another persons reflection and fictional writing of a real event. It becomes a series of layers from true events, to writing based on this, to a visual cinematic response to then a viewers own response. Banner's writing connects personally to her, not in the means of personal thoughts and connections, but more on how she becomes the link between the subject and the work, it links through her actions of writing and that's how I feel my work has developed, this matter of working but not having this personal connection to it. Banner to me is an observer also and her writing becomes an extension of this.