Final Piece

Final Piece

About the Blog

This blog is a representation of my working progress as an Artist and Writing. Everything here is an example of my work and a journey through my working. It acts as a documentation of various projects, ideas and rough experiments, starting from my time at University and beyond.


Thinking About My Practice | Poster Brief | Layout ideas

For my academic poster the first thing I needed to think about is the layout of my poster, the best thing to do being to take a already existing layout of which I can either add to or recreate on InDesign. The template needs to be something that reflects my practice, especially as it will be the center of my poster.

I decided either something to do with text, text placement or social networks. Below are some of the ideas I have considered...

A book layout

Using a book layout would allow me to not only layout text, but as seen below, if positioned properly I can form it using images, text, diagrams and so on making it a multi function. However it would need structuring more as a spread of two pages may become a little overpowered with content and loose what I am trying to show.

If I was to use this layout, I would create it as seen bellow as an open book in the center of the poster, allowing people to see that it is a book to draw the connection between text and where is may be found.

A step beyond this might be to make it a digital book as seen below, drawing in this connection of digital with what was originally a printed source.

 A script layout

Another layout that represents where text may be found, also tying in my uses of scripts in my work and also my interest and influence of film and screen. However a script layout is limited to text only and a limit to what can be presented on a page to keep it a script, so this wouldn't work so well.

Typewriter layout

Mainly because of my uses of a typewriter often in my work, however it is limited to text only and a limited amount of.

Instagram layout

The Instagram layout is taking the social network and digital route, however it has the opposite limits to the above, it has the opportunity for large amounts of images, but is very limited on text and this is a problem as my practice revolves around it.

Twitter layout 

Considering all the choices, a twitter feed would be the best, not only does it center around text and social networking, I am able to add images and an artist profile to it. On the plus side, I can add tweets from relevant artists and create a timeline of my practice.

It would be the best choice to show my practice bringing together a series of ideas and work into one poster, making it easy to read and understand.