Final Piece

Final Piece

About the Blog

This blog is a representation of my working progress as an Artist and Writing. Everything here is an example of my work and a journey through my working. It acts as a documentation of various projects, ideas and rough experiments, starting from my time at University and beyond.


Exhibition Consideration | Overheard Conversation Collection | Paper

I have started to take consideration of my presentation of these sentences further, thinking about paper to use. Before I used a cream A5 letter paper, the size worked well with the size of the text from the typewriter so this is to remain the same. However I am limited to the cream paper now as the stock has been discontinued, however the cream may not have been the right paper for it in the first place.

I tested out using a blue graph paper and a thinner white paper all of the same size. The idea was the have three versions of each sentence, in order to create a series of paper that reflects on the idea of slowly loosing sentences. But this all became too complicated and if they were to be handed out to different people the connection wouldn't work.

So between the three, the blue graph was too busy, messy and took the attention away from the sentences. The cream I am limited on, meaning that only a small collection would be made, but also it was quite thick and maybe too nice of a paper for this throwaway comment idea. The last is the thin white paper, which does seem quite throwaway and temporary. Also I am able to get my hands on a large quantity of this type, which takes away that limit. I need to make enough to match the amount of handouts and there needs to be enough of these for the amount of visitors that are likely to take one. We estimated around 150 handouts would be enough, taking into consideration those who wouldn't be taking one as well.