Final Piece

Final Piece

About the Blog

This blog is a representation of my working progress as an Artist and Writing. Everything here is an example of my work and a journey through my working. It acts as a documentation of various projects, ideas and rough experiments, starting from my time at University and beyond.


HOARD | Towards An Archaeology of The Artist Mind | Group Meet (December)

The HOARD Project as stated on their website...

HOARD is a year-long project in Leeds. A group of artists are hoarding objects and artefacts relating to their practice: finished artworks, props, curiosities, documents, traces, plans, remnants. Curated by local Leeds Artist Sarah Francis.

HOARD shares space with other Departure Foundation projects. This website will bring you up-to-date information on all events. The Darwin building and Departure Lounge is co-coordinated by Sarah Francis and Adam Young. 

I have been apart of Hoard since November after seeing their public exhibition a few months earlier with a call for writers. I attend their monthly meet ups, interviewing the artists and also record the group crits for the website. 

Forever changing, transforming, moving, every day is different.