Workshop at Medium as part of Nexus...
Sunday 14th September: As a part of the Nexus Weekender Medium will be hosting a day of workshops all centred on performance!
11-12:30pm: It will begin with a spoken word class were we will use different exercises and examples of other pieces of poetry to help inspire you to create your own, we will also be using other techniques to show you how you can use voice and performance to enhance your poetry!
1-2:30pm: You will be seated around a life model and given a pen and paper. The model will then move into different positions and express different emotions through body language and expression. You will use this as an inspiration for short bits of writing!
3-4:30pm: The final part to the day is a platform for performers to come and share their work! Along with the live performers we will also be screening some footage of influential artists and performers!
The day of workshops is free to attend! For any more info email: medium.artsupplies@yahoo.c
If you would like to be a part of all the whole NEXUS weekend 12-14th tickets can be found here: