Having just got the great news of my application being accepted for a place as an artist with the year long HOARD project, it got me thinking about how I can use this space to further my exploration and aid my practice.
I have decided to pull through all the ideas I have and use this space to collect text, creating a place that I can look deeper into language while surrounded by books. It gives me a place to go to pull apart sentences and words getting to the core of understanding, and if there is, find the exact point at which a collection of words become seen as literature.
I am going to fill the space with books and texts that I currently own and also what I find, as well as start to pull apart older texts and explore and expand on definitions of words. My idea is to take old text and translate each work using its dictionary definition to expand on the understanding. This will also be looking at how I have struggled with the way of using a dictionary and to me how it can sometimes complicate matters further.
I am looking forward to using this space, especially as my existing space won't be available over the summer, making it a great opportunity for me to be continually working as well as just thinking about my practice.