As I am given a new brief and the new project begins, I have chosen to continue with the same idea and thought processes before. However I have decided to do one thing differently and that is to ditch working directly and solely into a sketch book. Through the last project I have become so bogged down in filling the pages of each book to find that one, I don't explore outside of this very well and two it becomes stuck in a book and that is it.
So I have decided to remove the sketch book completely and document the whole project process on this blog, this way I can write and update any ideas any where I am, keep others updated on what I am doing, create an online presence of my work and also document further projects and work I have been apart of.
What use is a sketch book if I was just writing in it then not reviewing over it again, now I am able to search, organise and re find my ideas when I need them.
This blog will be regularly updated, personal, both formal and informal, it will be a stream of ideas that will be dated and stored. And if it is read and liked by others, that is an added bonus.